How is your vision?
It is an easy trap to fall into. You have an interview for a job you really want, and you feel that you desperately need it. Presentation is always important, and your body language needs to convey a different attitude. The person interviewing you should have the impression you are 100% confident. You are going to be all right, no matter the outcome of the discussion the two of you were having. Where does this attitude come from? It comes from your vision, and it cannot be faked.
Your belief in the long-term goals you have set with your vision for your life impact all of your daily interactions. Do not view what happens in your life as circumstances driven by exterior forces. The attitude of positivity is a matter of how you decide to view things. your choice to view things differently affects the way others perceive you.
Look at the example of what happened when Moshe sent spies into the promised land. They were never told to embark on dangerous missions. We read about spies, taking on during the Cold War. They were sent to observe 10 of them had no way of knowing how they were perceived by the inhabitants, yet in their own eyes, they were unfit and not yet ready to enter the land. They assumed that was reality. They reported the natives were imposing “giants,” and they were mere “grasshoppers.” Joshua and Caleb were passionate about the promised land, and the perceived something positive. They saw opportunity. This created a reality in which they were able to conquer.
We do not see things the way they are; we perceive them the way we are. Make the choice to view every event, or person, in a positive light. The results are worth it, you will live out the vision you have for your life, and you will make this world a far better place.