
Assuming the worst in other people is an never an effective means for managing others.  Psychologist have proven that assuming the worst in other people is a destructive tendency in any team.  We have a tendency to focus on people's negative attributes more than their positives.  Today, this tendency is amplified.  All of us have negative attributes. It is a fact of life. None of us are perfect. To affectively drive a healthy culture, and a place where people enjoy working with each other, which is very important for any team that resuming time spent together in an office, trust needs to be present.  It is not possible to have a good team where all actions are automatically assigned the worst motivations.  If you want to start creating a healthy culture in your company, or if you simply want to start having more positive relationships with other people, start to trust those around you.  There is seldom a conspiracy around the corner.  Start trusting people, and encourage them to trust others.  It will help your company, your neighborhood, and it will help all of us as a whole.


So what?


Anchor Brewing Company: A cautionary tale.